Help power a Balkan squat

Struja za Reci:klaonicu

Zagreb squat Reci:klaonica seeks help to purchase 2 solar panels and a battery to enhance the quality of life of residents, guests, and the wider community.
Zagrebački skvot Reci:klaonica traži pomoć da kupi 2 solarna panela i bateriju za dobrobit stanara:ki, gošća i šire zajednice.

Dear past and future guests, friends, freedom lovers,

We are launching this campaign because without your help we cannot cover the costs of 2 solar panels and 1 new battery, especially since we are also currently reconstructing our roof. Without new solar panels and a batter life would be pretty challenging here both in summer and winter. Having more electricity would mean not always having to drink lukewarm water, happier guests and having louder gigs, oi!

Reci:klaonica (Zagreb, Balkans) is a 12-year-old squat. The complex in which the squat is located was the city’s main slaughterhouse and “livestock” market since 1934. After it stopped its operations in 2001, young people moved into one of the buildings in 2011, breathing new life into the space. Since then, many individuals have passed through as residents, colorful and beloved guests, bands, also this is a place where workshops are held, discussions take place, we have a library and freeshop, screen political films, give space for exhibitions and organize flea markets, and we grow garden. We do all of this ourselves and live quite self-sustainably – electricity comes from (currently old) solar panels, we collect rainwater, and we gather food that doesn't sell at the market. We are constantly repairing and exchanging skills. Our life here is a middle finger to capitalists to whom we don't give anything, as well as to the real estate market and other neolib nonsense that don't allow us to breathe, let alone to live well.

We hope we inspire others to take matters into their own hands because private ownership truly is legalized theft, and there's nothing wrong with transforming neglected buildings into solidarity-based, vibrant, and interesting communities! We want to continue doing all this in an even stronger and more beautiful way, and your help would mean a lot to us. We will always be glad if you come with your microphones, seeds, dogs, brushes, children, or just a desire for rest and hanging out :)

If more than €1500 is donated, we will forward the surplus to the youngest squat in Zagreb – our dear neighbors "Postaja," which successfully defended itself against an eviction attempt this summer. Postaja is here to stay!

Drage prošle i buduće gošće, prijatelji:ce, slobodarska škvadro,

Ovu kampanju pokrećemo jer uz popravak krova koji je u tijeku bez vaše pomoći ne možemo pokriti troškove za 2 solarna panela i 1 novu bateriju, bez kojih je život ljeti i zimi ovdje otežan. Više struje značilo bi da ne pijemo uvijek toplu vodu i gemište, da su nam gošće sretnije i da imamo glasnije gigove, oi!

Reci:klaonica (Zagreb, Balkan) je skvot star 12 godina. Kompleks unutar kojeg se skvot nalazi je od 1934. bio glavna gradska klaonica i sajam “stoke”, a nakon što je 2001. prestala s radom 2011. u jednu zgradu se useljavaju i prostoru daju novi život mladi ljudi. Od tada su kroz prostor su prošle mnoge osobe kao stanari:ke, drage šarolike gošće, bendovi, održavaju se radionice i diskusije, postoji knjižnica i freeshop, projiciraju se politički filmovi, održavaju izložbe i buvljaci, i brine o vrtu. Sve ovo radimo same:i i živimo dosta samoodrživo – struja je iz (trenutno starih) solarki, skupljamo kišnicu i hranu koja se ne proda na tržnici. Stalno nešto popravljamo i trampimo vještine. Naš život ovdje je srednji prst kapitalistima kojima ne damo ništa i divljem tržištu nekretnina i drugih kretenina koje ne daju disati, a kamoli lijepo živjeti.

Nadamo se da inspiriramo i druge da uzmu stvari u svoje ruke, jer privatno vlasništvo zbilja je legalizirana krađa i nema ništa loše u tome da zapuštene zgrade pretvaramo u solidarne, živahne, zanimljive zajednice! Želimo nastaviti još jače i ljepše, i zato bi nam puno značila vaša pomoć. Uvijek će nam biti drago ako nam dođete sa svojim mikrofonima, sjemenkama, psima, kistovima, djecom ili samo željom za odmorom i druženjem :)

Ako se uplati više od 1500e, viškove ćemo proslijediti najmlađem zagrebačkom skvotu - našim dragim susjedima “Postaji” koja se ljetos obranila od pokušaja evikcije. Postaja opstaje!

0% of €1500

€ 0 reached in total

-411 days left