Theater Project:

Tommy Mørck & the YPG

fighting against ISIS

0% of €2200

€ 20 reached in total

-1865 days left


Tommy Mørck

"We invite you to support us, because without community funding it will not be possible to realize this cultural political project in Denmark. Since the author is German, she wrote the play "Heval Bakûr" in German. But we think that the play is especially relevant in Denmark, because Tommy is Danish and has come into conflict with the Danish system."


A Danish man, Tommy Mørck, is telling how he wanted to support a revolution in the northern part of Syria and ended up joining an armed Kurdish militia, the YPG, to fight against Daesh/ISIS.


This play is based on many interviews with the real person Tommy Mørck, who experienced everything as described. The play reflects his memories, impressions and personal opinions.

Content of the play

Tommy Mørck wanted to help refugees from Syria, who started to come to Europe in droves in 2015, and noticed that he could give more than he ever believed, until he finally realized that if the problem was in Syria, the solution also had to be in Syria. Three years ago Tommy therefore traveled to Syria and stayed in a region that is banned by the Danish state. For that the Danish courts sentenced him to six months in jail.

The values and goals of the revolution of the Kurds in Rojava match well with the values that are important to Tommy. In Europe, little or nothing is heard of this revolution. Tommy flew to Iraq, but the border to Syria was closed. That's why Tommy was smuggled across the border by the Kurdish militia YPG and stayed with them for half a year, as they requested. After a four-week stay in the so-called International Academy, Tommy came to his unit in Ayn Issa. Two days later the operation against Raqqa, “Wrath of Euprates”, started.

The audience gets a deep insight into life in the militia and the social and political upheavals that drive the Kurds. Tommy experiences how the base is attacked by suicide bombers at night and his unit gets in an ambush. In the latter attack, the driver of his team was killed and another teammate was seriously wounded.

Tommy is ready to risk his life for the things that really matter to him. And again and again he asks the viewer to think about how important their own values are to themselves and how much they are willing to put on the line for them.

The author

Hannah Dobiaschowski studied Theater, Film and Media Studies at the University of Vienna and has worked as a director, dramaturge and author. Hannah has been living in Denmark for 9 years.

The project

We are planning a cultural political arrangement with the play "Heval Bakûr". The author will stage it herself and it will be performed by a professional actor. The plan is to bring the production on tour in 2020/21. After each performance there will be a public discussion with Tommy Mørck.

This event has three goals:

  1. We want to draw attention to the revolution of the Kurds in Syria.
  2. We want to make people aware of the issues of the Danish legal system.
  3. We want to make the viewers think about what values are important to them and why they are no longer, or not more, committed to them.


The money we receive goes to a professional translator who translates the play into Danish. A professional translator is necessary to be able to convey the content of the piece in the best possible way through linguistic subtleties. All donations, no matter the size, matter! We ask you to support us, by pledging a small donation, or by sharing it in your community.

0% of €2200

€ 20 reached in total

-1865 days left

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